Lavender Powdered Honey


This is a blend of our pure powdered honey and ground organic lavender flowers for a botanical sensation to behold! Amazing scent and flavor in tea, baked goods, lemonade, cocktails and more!

Our powdered honey is 100% pure honey, no added sugars no additives at all!

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This is a blend of our pure powdered honey and ground organic lavender flowers for a botanical sensation to behold! Amazing scent and flavor in tea, baked goods, lemonade, cocktails and more!

Our powdered honey is 100% pure honey, no added sugars no additives at all!

This is a blend of our pure powdered honey and ground organic lavender flowers for a botanical sensation to behold! Amazing scent and flavor in tea, baked goods, lemonade, cocktails and more!

Our powdered honey is 100% pure honey, no added sugars no additives at all!

1.5 oz jar

Vintage Tiny Tea House With Powdered Honey
100% Pure Powdered Honey
from $8.00
Rose Petal Powdered Honey
Chamomile Powdered Honey
Powdered Honey Wrapped in Vintage Hankie